Things I Would Add to My Resume if I Could

It's been a while since my last post. Part of that is because of election day anxiety (Jesus in God, the Saints, all of the Orishas, and more). The better part of that is because #BookMe2016-2017 has really been fruitful. I'm absolutely loving the projects I've been able to take part in and many of them have had me thinking about my own "professional identity", both online and offline.During my time at Kansas State University, I talked a lot about how we can use socioculturally centered theories to assist us in our career process. It was a two day stint of thinking deeply about this notion of "professionalism" which many scholars posit can be inherently rife with issues. Writer, Carmen Rios, says "Often, the way professionalism dictates we should act at work also falls in line with stereotypes and predetermined roles based on our race, sex, gender, or class" (2015).My initial foray into Student Affairs work was in the realm of Career Services. So, I know all too well how delicate of a dance this is... especially when it comes to advising. For example, general advice posited that we should tell women to keep their hair off the face in interviews. But as a woman with natural hair that is not easily "swept up", I realized that this advice isn't always inherently helpful. The same went for gender and professional dress. The same went for the affordability of formal business wear. Lordt.Yet, these are the waters we often find ourselves navigating and *sigh*, it gets deep. Earlier this week, I spent a few days talking with students, staff, and administration about some of these nuances. I spent the rest of the week thinking about how I bring my own identity into the work that I do (both formally and informally). So, today, we're going forward with a light-hearted post, if I can help it.Resumes are often used to navigate current and potential forms of work (I'll leave it to you to interpret what that work is / could be / looks like). However, here are some of the things I would add to my resume if I could:

  • Interdisciplinary bridge-builder - Because all of my seemingly random interests and levels of expertise would probably fit really snugly under this title. It's pretty much like when I studied "Integrative Arts" in college. Folk didn't usually know the details of all it meant... but I could always say it like I was out here doin' the damn thing.
  • Language - if I could add that, I would. I'm also conversational in Beyonce gifs. Beginner's level in all other gif forms. (Because when you're fluent in Prince gifs you have a large spectrum of reactions to choose from). One of my personal faves:princegif3
  • Teaologist - Do you have a headache? I have a tea for that. Folk on your nerves? I have a tea for that. Your hands ashy? Tea. And lotion. But first, tea. I didn't get the nickname "The Apothecary" for naught.
  • (Head over to Amazon to purchase the Lionel Richie mug and the Mana-tea infuser).
  • Musichead - It has been a longstanding value of mine to spend as little time as possible listening to trash music. Live instrumentation is important and I feel like our ears need it. In just a few minutes, I can likely come up with some dope music recommendations to fit your preferred style and genre. I will also encourage folk to stay on their note, and that's important in life. It builds teamwork competencies. Cause don't nobody want you jumping up on their note all the time.
  • Natural hair and organic beauty product tester - If there were a such thing as a "tab" at Lush Beauty Products, I would have one. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me about natural hair care regimens and products I use, I would be sending big bucks to my past student loan providers. Sooooo...
  • Petty Theorist & Petty Flow Chart Co-Curator - I don't talk much about #pettyflowcharts here but it's one of my favorite side projects. However, I literally spend time with a good friend curating flow charts to help people get clear on a variety of things. I can't add it to my resume because... well... petty. But it sure is fun!petty-flowchartYou can check these out on IG:
  • Churchy Linguist - Fluent. Can I get a degree in this? I feel like that's a possibility. Being raised in an eclectic nondenominational Black church afforded me an entire lexicon of churchisms that I randomly use in everyday life. Last heard at a keynote speech: "I'm feeling moved in that direction". Announcing a performance, as an MC: "Please clap for them, as they come". Recently seen on Facebook: friends and I have a running joke that I am "Culturally Churchy, Theologically Complicated" because my spirituality includes sacred texts, rituals, and practices from quite a few traditions. However, I just cannot shake churchy linguistics. Pray my strength.
  • Crystal Collector - Beginner's Level. Because who is tryna be out here with their chakras out of balance? Not I. Go talk to my friend Ebony Janice of the Free People Project about why it's so important to balance those chakras.
  • Headliner for the Shower & Car Concert Series - Some of you may know this, and some may not. A few years back (like... a GOOD few), I provided background vocals for a few local Philly artists. A while before that, I was the director of the student-led gospel choir in college. I don't sing formally at the moment. (Bae does though, check him out). However, my car concerts are on. point. To me, at least.What would you add to your resume if you could? Leave it in the comments below! Or you know, wherever else you find me on these Internet streets.
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