Jades Faves: Get Into these Blogs & Sites


I found these blogs on my epic journey & quest to "get my life" through blogs & vlogs! I'm always looking to find fresh perspectives that also remind me of why I've chosen to blog: to offer information, ideas, & counter-cultural narratives that empower readers to thrive and to lovingly & creatively challenge secular and sacred systems toward greater levels of inclusion!I appreciate the work being done through each of these sites & talented bloggers. Add them to your list when you get a chance!1. DressProfesh.com - I stumbled upon this website last week because Twitter is a magical place that gives you recommendations based on your interests. As many of you already know, navigating identity politics in higher education & in the workplace is... one...of...my... things! I talk about it. I write about it. I read about. So, when I saw what Katie Manthey was doing over at DressProfesh.com, I could hardly contain my excitement. This site exists as a photo gallery that

showcase(s) images of the various ways that people (regardless of industry) dress “professionally.” (The) goal with this gallery is to collect images that, together, will reveal that “professional” is not a monolithic idea—and that the idea of “professional dress,” like any dress code, is inherently racist, sexist, abelist, sizeist, etc.

It didn't take long for me to submit my own photos, showing how I #dressprofesh in a myriad of different ways! Check out the site and be sure to submit a photo of your own!2. Conditionally Accepted: A Space for Scholars on the Margins of AcademiaI am always looking for materials for my mentees to read in terms of being successful in academia and in their post-grad work (if chosen). I was searching for a few readings when I found Advice on Applying to and Choosing a Graduate Program, written by Dr. Zandria F. Robinson for conditionallyaccepted.com. Her perspective on finding, applying, and accepting entry into a graduate program was refreshing and real. I found myself literally agreeing out loud as I began clicking through the site that weekend, reading post after post.The purpose of this site is to serve as

a space for academics who exists at the margins of academia. We will provide news, information, personal stories, and resources for scholars who are, at best, conditionally accepted in the academy. Conditionally Accepted is an anti-racist, pro-feminist, pro-queer, anti-transphobic, anti-fatphobic, anti-ableist, anti-ageist, anti-classist, and anti-xenophobic web community. http://conditionallyaccepted.com/about/

3. The Write Girl - Whitney L. Barkley is doin' the dang thing over at thewritegirlblog.com as she provides timely career advice for millenial women. If you've been following my site, then you know that I like speaking to and about millenial woman of color in the workplace: what helps, what promotes, what fosters our growth, what hinders... and what's just plain tacky. At The Write Girl, Whitney "is taking her experiences and translating them into career advice that helps with job retention, online branding, job searching, and career advancement (http://thewritegirlblog.com/about/)". Her posts will make you think about how generational identities change the game for millenials in empowering ways!So, I've given you some good lunchtime reads for the week! Check them out and comment below to tell me what you think!